Saturday 30 April 2011

Dalek (Wedding) Cake of the Week

Staying with the royal wedding theme for our 'Dalek Cake of the Week' feature, here's a Dalek styled wedding cake from Kate Hibbs' Flickr photostream.

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Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding Dalek

Picture: © Rex Features / Solent News
Decorated with patriotic bunting and pictures of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Chris Balcombe has created the perfect compliment to today's Royal Wedding. 

It's even brought the sandwiches!

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Thursday 28 April 2011

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Feeling a little blue?

...then this'll cheer you up!

Here we have 8 year old Joseph Parker's interpretation of a Strategist Dalek.

I'm sure you'll agree, he's done a fantastic job.

If you have a Dalek drawing you'd like us to show on this site, please email a scan or link to

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Tuesday 26 April 2011

Battles of the Supreme Daleks Game

This game is a real challenge, play against a friend, but watch out for that pesky K-9.

It's free to play at

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Monday 25 April 2011

Goodbye Sarah Jane

Elisabeth Sladen – the star of 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' and part of the Doctor Who series since 1973, starring alongside the 3rd & 4th Doctors (Jon Pertwee & Tom Baker) – died on Tuesday 19th April 2011 at the age of 63 after her battle with cancer. She will be greatly missed.

A special tribute called 'My Sarah Jane Smith' was shown on  CBBC on Saturday.

You can post a personal tribute on the CBBC messageboard.

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Sunday 24 April 2011


Happy Easter, and what better way to celebrate than with this wonderful Dalek egg, created by Nancy Sims?

You can see more photos detailing its creation on Nancy's Flickr stream.

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Friday 22 April 2011

Davros Flatley

'Britain's Got Talent' is back on our screens, so I thought I'd feature this video, from Popnoodles, a comical take on 2009's finalists 'Stavros Flatley'.

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Thursday 21 April 2011

HRH Dalek

Today is the Queen's birthday, so I thought this cartoon by award-winning Guardian artist Steve Bell was quite appropriate... 

"Gordon Brown makes a quick and dignified exit"

You can see more of his work on the belltoons website.

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Wednesday 20 April 2011

Dalek Mittens

How can you follow Dalek kittens (previous post)?

...With this cartoon illustration from deviantART's spiritofcat, inspired by an ACTFur radio broadcast.

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Tuesday 19 April 2011

Dalek vs Kittens

The internet is full of cats and Daleks, so it was bound to happen at some point...


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Monday 18 April 2011

Dalek Golden Oldie

I know it's an age old joke, but this interpretation, by UK artist Ric Lumb, seemed to add a little something.

It was created for the Comics for Cures 2010 Charity Sketch Card Auction.

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Sunday 17 April 2011

A Bendy Fortune

Back in 2008, a 1960s 7-inch Bendy Dalek toy sold in an internet auction for £1500.

That's a staggering 2757% increase in value from the original price of ten shillings and sixpence!

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Saturday 16 April 2011

Dalek Cake of the Week

This colourful little chap comes to you from Bollops' Flickr photostream.

He describes it thus...
"It was great fun to make... It's yer basic sponge cake - well, two, one on top of the other - loads of readymade icing coloured with food colouring and, of course, smarties and allsorts. I think jam was involved at some point as well."

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Friday 15 April 2011

Disco with Davros

'DJ  Davros' comes to you from ~spacecowboy76, inspired by 'Daft Punk' song 'Robot Rock'.

View more of his work at his deviantART gallery.

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Thursday 14 April 2011

Costume Thursday

This could be a regular feature, right?

Anyway this homemade Dalek costume from Mykle Hoban made me laugh.

More photos on his Flickr Photostream.

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Wednesday 13 April 2011

Dalek Art

Brighton artist, Lisa Humphreys, created this energetic and colourful Dalek illustration.

It looks like he's just taken a blast of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver!

You can see more of Lisa's work on her website

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Tuesday 12 April 2011

Do Daleks Blend?

It was inevitable that 'Will It Blend?', the Blendtec internet viral marketing sensation, would eventually find its way round to a Dalek.

But the question is, will it blend?

Watch the video below to find out...

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Monday 11 April 2011

Sunday 10 April 2011

Daleks are COOL!

Wall's Dalek's Death Ray
This 1970s Chocolate & Mint Ice Lolly featured the art of Frank Bellamy, previously known for his work in Eagle and other comics, including strips featuring Thunderbirds and Joe 90. More about his artwork here.

Dalek's Death Ray was featured in Doctor Who Magazine
Various wrapper designs were available, each featuring a different glimpse into the Dalek's world

Wrapper source

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Saturday 9 April 2011

Dalek Cake of the Week

It's all guns blazing with this weeks Dalek cake.

With the wheel and cog for appendages, it has a bit of a 'Steam Punk' feel to it.

Created by Linzi Upton.

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Friday 8 April 2011

Davros in Lego

This Lego creation, complete with light-up third eye, comes to you from Steven Locke, who has put some hours in to create one of the few examples of Davros in Lego.


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Thursday 7 April 2011

Virtual Dalek Costume

I must admit the concept is lost on me, but if you use Second Life, you can buy this Dalek Costume for your avatar, for a mere L$250 Linden Dollars (approx. £1.20 GBP).

More information here.

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Wednesday 6 April 2011

Baby Dalek

Yes you heard right!

This baby Dalek comes from the mind (and pencil) of Justin Owens, and featured in his daily sketch blog at

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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Tiki Dalek

Photo by Heather E Croft
This inspired creation, nicknamed TDK, was designed and built by Kevin Roche and won first prize in the 'Masquerade of Mandragora Costume Presentation' at the 2011 'Gallifrey One' Doctor Who Convention in California.  

You can read about the build here.

See it in action at the 2011 Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition in the video below.

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Monday 4 April 2011

Saturday 2 April 2011

Dalek Cake of the Week

Leave it to the professionals!

This weeks Dalek cake comes from Netty's Cakes, 'where your cake dreams come true'.

"A tower of Madeirs sponge, sandwiched together with red buttercream. Completed with red and black fondant icing".

Almost sounds good enough to eat. ;)

Check out Netty's cake gallery here.

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Friday 1 April 2011

A Better Bitter Dalek

Who'd of thought it...

A Dalek in a beer advertisement?

Higsons Bitter has recently been revived by the Liverpool Organic Brewery.

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