As a busy working Dalek conquering planet after planet sometimes I neglect my skin care routine which leads to metal fatigue and telltale signs of ageing or rust as you call it.
I recommend brillo pads and battery acid to exfoliate, you must exfoliate use an angle grinder preferably or a bastard file or rasp. Moisturize you will need to moisturize with diesel or crude oil
Then I can conquer my busy working day and not worry about cowering alien life forms commenting on those little oxidation blemishes that can ruin a dalek’s confidence.
Brillo pads and battery acid Because I’m worth it.
Illustration by Matt Ferguson, spotted in Novel Magazine.
You can make practically anything out of Mecanno, though sometimes a little extra imagination is required, like with these instructions from a 1965 Meccano Magazine for a very square looking Dalek.