Thursday 31 January 2013

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sunday 27 January 2013

Army of Snow Daleks

Now do I worry about my impending doom from the approaching army of Snow Daleks, or from what ever made those giant foot prints behind them?

Is that Tom Baker? [stoppit!]

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Saturday 26 January 2013

More Snow Daleks

There's [apparently] more snow on its way, so that means MORE Snow Daleks, like this fine example by Steve Cotton.

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Thursday 24 January 2013

Sunday 20 January 2013

Snow Dalek

All this snow (in the UK) can mean only one thing... SNOW DALEKS!!!

Photo by Thomas Needham.

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Saturday 19 January 2013

Dalek Cake of the Week

Australian Geek, Sarah from 'Geek Treats' has a different take on a Dalek . She kept it simple with a stylish Blue Dalek cupcake, also loving the Ood.

Check out more of her geeky cake creations at

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Thursday 17 January 2013

Dance to Destruction

This costume is a little worse for wear after a lot of Dalek dancing. 

Photo by Kevin@toolUK.

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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Dalek Mug Rug

Here's an excellent quilted coaster by Leah @ SewToBed, it's sew good it'd be real a shame to put a mug on it.

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Monday 14 January 2013

Tom Baker

Is that Tom Baker? No freakin' way, Tom Baker! I can't believe that's actually Tom Baker...

Oh, sorry, it's not Tom Baker.

Photo by Manofsteel25.

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Sunday 13 January 2013

Operate a Dalek!

Come and have a go if you think you're Who enough!

Photo by Marc Davies, taken at the London Comic Con.

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Saturday 12 January 2013

Dalek Cake of the Week

Here's a veritable army of Dalek cupcakes from Brittany Roberts... 

Check out the video below of how she made them and you could whisk some up yourself.

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Sunday 6 January 2013

Saturday 5 January 2013

Tom Baker

Is that Tom Baker? No freakin' way, Tom Baker! I can't believe that's actually Tom Baker...

Oh, sorry, it's not Tom Baker.

Photo by Mrs Butterbur.

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Friday 4 January 2013

It's Davros Friday!

And here's a fantastic illustration by Ethan Mongin

Just look at all those wonderfully evil buttons!

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Wednesday 2 January 2013

Dalek Cake of the Week

The first Dalek Cake of the New Year, and they don't come much taller than this one from Linda Peall...

...anyone for Jaffa Cakes?

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Tuesday 1 January 2013