Wednesday 31 August 2016

Monday 29 August 2016


It’s been an unusually hot and sunny bank holiday here in the UK. So take a tip from this guy…

Spotted on Doctor Who Amino.

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Sunday 28 August 2016


An animated version of ‘Power of the Daleks’, the missing episodes from the BBC archives, could be around the corner, read more here…

Via WhoPix.

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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Sunday 21 August 2016


Time to close another Olympics… congratulations to team USA on coming top of the table, and to team GB for doing even better than last year, finishing second.

Dalek lighter spotted on Scificollector.

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Wednesday 17 August 2016

Dalek Javelin

Ouch!!! The Daleks aren't well known for their Javelin skills...

Digital image by IBiAFoddoAbbarad.

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Sunday 7 August 2016

Saturday 6 August 2016

Friday 5 August 2016

Wednesday 3 August 2016