Next up on the counselling couch are this Dalek with an unconventionally placed eyestalk and… Hang On! Is that a dapper Tom Baker? No freakin' way, Tom Baker! I can't believe that's actually Tom Baker...
...Oh sorry, it's not Tom Baker, though he is rather dapper!
Spotted at Geek Girl Con 2016 by Laura Kali.
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Matt Smith lookalike spotted at Seattle’s Steamposium convention, featuring a Maker and Fashion Designer Competi…Hang On! Is that Tom Baker? No freakin' way, Tom Baker! I can't believe that's actually Tom Baker...
...Oh sorry, it's not Tom Baker… it’s a Dalek in disguise.
Photo by Fan Girl Confessions
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Exterminate with love (and cake)…
Photo: Fabien Jakimowicz
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Never mind Donald Trump, it’s our very own Davros who’s got his finger on the button…
Spotted on Giphy.
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Check out this Dalek model by kbuck2001h. Pipe cleaners are a bit of a blast from the past…
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‘Anglicon’ went to the ‘Wholidays’ event last year at the Museum of Pop Culture, where attendees could take a selfie with a Da… Hang On! Is that Tom Baker? No freakin' way, Tom Baker! I can't believe that's actually Tom Baker...
...Oh sorry, it's not Tom Baker
Photo via Andrew Siguenza
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